$70,027 - $98,129
The Village of Bensenville, Illinois is accepting applications for Police Officer candidates.
Bensenville Police Headquarters (24 hours per day)
345 East Green Street
Bensenville, Illinois
Preliminary Applications along with a nonrefundable $35 application fee (Check or Money Order made out to the Village of Bensenville/No Currency) must be returned to the Police Headquarters by 9:00 AM, Thursday, May 9, 2019.
Fenton High School Cafeteria
1000 W. Green Street
Bensenville, Illinois
(IL Route 83 and Grove Ave)
Enter Door 1, located on the south side of the building.
Check in time is 7:30 AM.
Applicants must pass existing physical, vision and hearing requirements.
The Village of Bensenville is an equal opportunity employer.
Ad viewed 8251 times
Police Jobs, Fire Jobs, Civilian Jobs