Starting: $65,982
The Village of Barrington announces that it will establish an eligibility list for the position of Firefighter/Paramedic.
Public Safety Facility
400 N. Northwest Highway
Barrington, IL 60010
Applications must be received at the Barrington Public Safety Facility no later than 11:00 p.m. on March 15, 2019.
There is a $25 application fee that must accompany each returned application. Checks or cash are accepted. Checks must be made payable to the Village of Barrington.
Each applicant shall take a written test which is in compliance with the validity standards of the various federal and state agencies. The test shall be administered in order to measure specific job related criteria. Passage of the written examination means a score that is at or above the median score for all applicants participating in the written test. The examination components shall be graded on a 100 point scale. A video-based written test will be administered on March 30, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. at the Barrington Middle School – Prairie Campus, 40 E. Dundee Rd., Barrington, IL. Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. A picture ID is required for admittance. No admittance after 9:00 a.m. Practice tests are available for purchase at
In order to qualify for placement on the final eligibility register, an applicant's score on the written examination, before any applicable preference points or subjective points are applied shall be at or above the median score. The Fire and Police Commission will conduct oral interviews approximately three (3) weeks after the written examination. The Commission will interview all candidates who scored above the median or the top fifty (50) candidates, whichever is less. Candidates shall be ranked on a 100 point scale.
Candidates will also have the ability to claim preference points for the final hiring list by submitting a claim form with any required attachments within ten (10) days after the posting of the final eligibility register. Four types of preference points may be claimed by applicants: 1. Experience preference points for applicants who were employed as full-time certified firefighters II for at least two (2) years at another fire protection district or municipality – 2pts. Note: Candidates may not receive the full amount of preference points if the amount of points awarded would place the candidate before a veteran on the eligibility list. 2. Veteran's preference points for applicants who served in the US military actively for at least one year and who were honorably discharged or are now on inactive or reserve duty – 5pts. 3. Educational preference points for applicants who have obtained an associate's degree in the field of fire service, or emergency medical services, or a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university – 2pts. 4. Additional preference points for any applicant who has obtained licensure as an Emergency Medical Technician – Paramedic (EMT-P) and holds certification in the Northwest Community Hospital EMS System – 5 pts. Once the final hiring list is established, it is in effect for two (2) years and all hiring is done from that list until it expires.
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Police Jobs, Fire Jobs, Civilian Jobs