Probationary (12 months): $66,969.42
The City of Bloomington Police Department is now accepting applications for Entry Level Police.
The City has a population of 76,610 with more than 150 full time employees within the Police Department.
Mission is "To work in partnership with the citizens of Bloomington to enforce the laws and to enhance the quality of life in our community".
Police officers must be able to multi-task effectively to complete the probationary period and consistently perform the job functions of a competent, fully trained police officer.
Perhaps the most problematic issue for probationary officers unfamiliar with our community is learning the geography. We cannot stress enough the importance of probationary police officers mastering street names, locations, and address numbering patterns as quickly as possible. Time spent studying local street maps would be well spent.
National Testing Network
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Police Jobs, Fire Jobs, Civilian Jobs