Mishawaka Police Department
The City of Mishawaka, Indiana is looking for qualified candidates to establish a police department hiring eligibility list.
Mishawaka is located 90 miles east of Chicago and is one of the major commercial hubs in north central Indiana. BusinessWeek Magazine rated Mishawaka a ?Best Place to Raise Your Kids? location in 2010. Mishawaka has a current population of around 48,000 residents. The Mishawaka Police Department currently has 105 full-time officers.
Applicants must achieve their 21st birthday by date of employment, but must not have reached their 35th birthday before the date of appointment.
Applicants must have a current automobile driver?s or chauffeur?s license.
Applicants must successfully complete a written and physical examination, oral and background investigations as well as a medical evaluation before appointment as a Mishawaka Police Officer.
Take Home Car:
Take home car program after successful completion of one year as a probationary officer.
Salary Information:
Recruit Pay:
(while in the academy)
Probationary Pay:
(after getting sworn in and up to your first year)
2nd Class Patrol Officer (1-3 years) Pay:
1st Class Patrol Officer (after 3 years) Pay:
Officer must establish residency of St. Joseph County Indiana or surrounding Indiana County (with authorization from the Chief of Police) by the time of swearing in (After 15 week police academy.)
Employees shall be entitled to paid vacation as follows:
One (1) year but less than two (2) years - 1 week paid vacation
Two (2) years but less than five (5) ? 2 weeks paid vacation
Five (5) years but less than ten (10) years - 3 weeks paid vacation
Ten (10) years but less than fifteen (15) years - 4 weeks paid vacation
Fifteen (15) years but less than twenty (20) years - 5 weeks paid vacation
Twenty (20) years and more - 6 weeks paid vacation
Sick Leave:
Paid sick days per year.
Overtime earned will be reimbursed to the police officer either in money or compensatory time off from duty at the rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) times the actual overtime earned by the officer.
Specialty Bonus:
There are certain assignments that require training, knowledge, and initiative above and beyond what is normally expected of the employees.
Clothing Allowance:
$2050.00 per year clothing and equipment allowance after first year. When a new officer is hired, the City will furnish the officer with a complete clothing issue and all equipment necessary to perform the job. After the completion of one year's service, the officer shall be entitled to a clothing allowance for the maintenance and replacement of uniform and equipment. This allowance is paid in two equal installments per year.
A number of different insurance plans covering hospitalization, dental and visual are available through the City of Mishawaka.
Any full-time police officer hired after May 1, 1977, must participate in the Indiana Public Employee's Retirement Fund created in 1977 and administered by the State of Indiana. Each employee must contribute 6% of a first-class patrolman's salary. If the officer terminates prior to twenty (20) years of service, except for death or disability, contributions plus interest will be refunded.
Human Resources Department
600 East Third Street
Mishawaka, IN 46544
Indiana Police Academy Physical Minimum Requirements:
Vertical jump: minimum 16 inches
One minute sits up: minimum 29 or more
300 meter run: 71 seconds or less
Push ups: 25 minimum (no time limit)
1.5 miles run: 16:28 or less
Trigger pull: 6 pulls in 20 seconds
The City of Mishawaka is an equal opportunity employer.
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Police Jobs, Fire Jobs, Civilian Jobs