Starting: $67,520.61
The City of Wheaton offers full-time police officers an outstanding benefit package that includes medical plans, dental, and life insurance.
Candidates must attend the mandatory orientation, physical ability test, and written examination on:
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The test will be held at:
Wheaton North High School
701 W. Thomas Road
Wheaton, IL 60187
Doors will open at 7:30 AM for candidates who do not possess a POWER Card and must complete the POWER Test. POWER test cards are considered valid if issued within twelve (12) months PRIOR to the application deadline (10/4/2018 - 10/4/2019). For those who possess a POWER card, doors open at 8:45 AM and candidates should arrive with valid photo identification (valid Driver's License or State ID) and their POWER Card to sign in. If you do not possess a POWER Card at time of orientation, you must complete the POWER Test prior to the written examination. Orientation begins at 9:35 AM and the written exam will immediately follow.
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Police Jobs, Fire Jobs, Civilian Jobs