2024 Starting: $48,908.37 + $10,302.88 stipend
The Board of Fire Trustees for the Salem Fire Protection District is accepting applications for the position of Entry Level Career Engineer.
Testing is being conducted for an immediate need to hire Firefighters and to establish an eligibility list for future hiring needs.
Salem, Illinois is located at the intersection of Interstate 57 and US Route 50. Salem is the county seat of Marion, County Illinois. Salem is 60 miles East of St Louis, Missouri and 265 miles south of Chicago, Illinois.
The Salem Fire Protection District covers approximately 124 square miles of Marion County, Illinois, including the City of Salem, protecting 13,000 residents, businesses, and industry. They protect about 13 miles of Interstate 57 from mile marker 109 at Illinois 161 to mile marker 122 at the Martin Road overpass. Additionally, the SFPD protects many square miles of agribusiness, agricultural activities, and more than 16 miles of oilfield. The SFPD provides fire suppression, rescue, auto extrication and hazardous materials mitigation.
Applications will be online for purchase until 9/4/24 – 2:00 PM
The deadline for returning completed applications is:
Wednesday, September 4, 2024, by 4:00 PM
C.O.P.S. and F.I.R.E. Personnel Testing Service
1251 N. Plum Grove Road, Suite 160
Schaumburg, IL 60173
All individuals meeting eligibility requirements are encouraged to continue with the application process.
There is a $25.00 non-refundable application fee.
Applications are NOT available at the Salem Fire Protection District Departments.
Mandatory Orientation, Fire Physical Ability with Aerial Climb and Written Examination:
Saturday, September 21, 2024
Registration starts at 11:30 AM
Orientation – 12:00 PM
Physical Ability with Aerial Climb and Written Examination immediately following the Orientation Program
Oral Interviews:
Tuesday, October 8, 2024, starting at 12:00 PM
Salem Fire Protection District #1
203 S. Broadway Avenue
Salem, Illinois 62881
All applications are subject to the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Salem Fire Protection District, which is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
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Police Jobs, Fire Jobs, Civilian Jobs