Hiring Salary: $75,382.34 per the MAP Contract
MAP Contract available for viewing on the Village of Algonquin website, transparency portal.
Excellent benefits and retirement package:
Currently includes:
A mandatory written test will be held at:
Village of Algonquin Ganek Municipal Center
2200 Harnish Drive
Algonquin, IL
Wednesday, July 24, 2024 at 6:00 PM
Wednesday, August 7 at 6:00 PM
Saturday, August 10 at 9:00 AM
You may only attend one session.
Applicants must present a U.S. federal or state-issued photo ID card or driver's license to enter the testing site(s). College, university, library, and other non-governmental IDs are not acceptable. The doors will be closed and locked promptly at the testing time and any applicant arriving after the specified time or without a current application on file for this recruitment will not be allowed to enter.
The entire testing process may include a physical fitness test, written test, oral interview, polygraph, psychological test, medical exam, and any other exams deemed necessary by the Police Department.
Interested candidates are required to complete our employment application, in its entirety, and submit it along with a resume no later than 5:00 PM on August 5, 2024. Applications submitted after the deadline will NOT be accepted.
The Village of Algonquin is an equal opportunity employer.
Ad viewed 3148 times
Police Jobs, Fire Jobs, Civilian Jobs