Position Details
LRFPD anticipates hiring up to six (6) Firefighter/Paramedic candidates for positions currently open.
The Lincolnshire-Riverwoods Fire Protection District (LRFPD) is immediately accepting applications to create an eligibility list for the position of Firefighter/Paramedic. This list will be valid for 2 years or until exhausted.
Candidates are required to complete National Testing Network's (NTN) FireTEAM exam, Public Safety Self-Assessment (PSSA), and the Personal History Questionnaire (PHQ) to be considered for the position.
The Lincolnshire-Riverwoods Fire Protection District is a career organization located 30 miles north of Chicago and serves a 16 square mile suburban area that includes the majority of the Villages of Lincolnshire and Riverwoods, along with portions of the Villages of Vernon Hills, Mettawa, Prairie View, and unincorporated areas of Lake County, Illinois. The District protects residential, mercantile, office, warehouse, and industrial properties.
The District currently staffs three fire stations, 24 hours a day. There are 51 job positions in our workforce; 6 Chief Staff positions; 9 first-line supervisor positions; 45-line positions; and 3 support positions (Fire Prevention Bureau and IT). In calendar year 2022, the men and women of our Department responded to 4,100 calls of which approximately one-third were fire based and two-thirds were EMS based including rescue calls, car accidents, and specialized rescues.
Check us out on our website:
LRFPD Contact:
Tom Krueger, Fire Chief
Minimum Requirements and Qualifications:
(Note: Board of Fire Commissioners may offer positions to potential candidates that do not possess an Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) Paramedic license and/or Illinois OSFM certified Firefighter II or certified Basic Operations Firefighter under certain circumstances):
- United States Citizen - ability to read/speak English
- At least 20 and under 35 years of age at the time of application and 21 years of age to be eligible for employment, unless the individual falls under one of the exceptions to the statutory maximum hiring age detailed in 70 ILCS 705/16.06 or 65 ILCS 2/10-2.1-6. Proof of date of birth is required.
- High School Diploma or Equivalent (GED).
- Valid Driver's License
- CPAT and Ladder Climb certificates issued by a licensed agency valid on August 21st, 2023. Certifications are accepted from all licensed agencies.
- Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) Paramedic & EMT-B license in good standing issued by the State of Illinois or National Registered EMT pursuant to applicable statutes and regulations at time of appointment.**
- Illinois Office of State Fire Marshal (OSFM) Certified Firefighter II or Certified Basic Operations Firefighter at time of appointment).**
- ** If entry level Firefighter/Paramedic vacancies are not fulfilled during the initial conditional offer of employment to all applicants on the current Final Eligibility list due to these requirements not being met, the Board of Fire Commissioners may waive these requirements with the intent on:
- Requiring a candidate to attend and successfully pass (at the District's expense) a certified Illinois OSFM approved fire academy as a condition of employment in order to obtain the Basic Operations Firefighter certification and/or
- Requiring a candidate to attend and successfully pass (at the District's expense) the Northwest Community EMS Paramedic program (held in the Fall) or equivalent in order to obtain an IDPH Paramedic License. Candidates must apply and successfully pass the entry requirements to the Paramedic Program as a condition of continued employment.**
- All applicants must complete a FireTEAM exam, Public Safety Self-Assessment (PSSA), and Personal History Questionnaire (PHQ) through National Testing Network; CPAT with Ladder Climb certification through a licensed agency; an Oral Interview with LRFPD Board of Fire Commissioners.
- An Initial Eligibility List is established based on the following:
- Candidate's score on the NTN FireTEAM examination
- Candidate's score on the Oral Interview with the LRFPD Board of Fire Commissioners (anticipated to be held late August).
- An Initial Eligibility List of applicants will be established in numeric order based on a minimum passing score on the written examination and oral interview (written exam 50%; Oral Interview 50%).
- Preference Points: After an Initial Eligibility List is established, eligible candidates will be able to claim preference points. Preference points cannot be awarded without a formal claim form and supporting documentation. Preference point claim forms and supporting documentation must be submitted via electronic email to Deputy Chief Scott Knesley (sknesley@lrfpd.org) by TBD. Please complete LRFPD "Form 4" for the claiming of preference points, if applicable.
- Preference points will be offered in the following categories:
- Veteran's Preference Points – Applicants who served in the United States military actively for at least one year and who were honorably discharged or are now on inactive or reserve duty shall receive five (5) preference points. Proof of such service must include a copy of Military Form DD-214 (long form) as proof of active service, evidence of the honorable discharge, and a sworn affidavit by the applicant.
- Educational Preference Points – Applicants who have successfully obtained an associate degree in the field of Fire Science or Emergency Medical Services, or a bachelor's degree in any field from an accredited college or university may receive 2.5 points (not cumulative). A certified transcript must be included with the request for educational preference points as proof of the attainment of a degree.
- Paramedic Preference Points - Applicants who are licensed IDPH paramedics shall receive three (3) preference points. Applicants who are licensed IDPH paramedics and are also in good standing in the Northwest Community Hospital EMS system shall receive an additional two (2) preference points for a total of five (5) preference points as determined by the Board of Fire Commissioner Rules and Regulations. (Additional Preference Points 70 ILCS 705/16.06b(h)(7).
- Firefighter certification – Applicants who are certified Illinois Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM) Basic Operations Firefighter or Firefighter II shall receive two (2) points. Copy of Illinois OSFM Basic Operations Firefighter or Firefighter II is required as proof of certification. Certificate must be issued by the IL OSFM in order to qualify for preference points.
- The Final Eligibility List is posted after the application of preference points.
- Following the posting of the Final Eligibility Register, applicants may be notified of openings depending on the Department's personnel needs. Several remaining examinations, background investigations, and interviews need to be completed and passed prior to becoming an employee of the LRFPD as outlined in the following:
- Background Investigation: Conducted by the Board of Fire Commissioners, LRFPD members and/or other agencies. PASS or FAIL.
- In-depth Psychological Examination: These examinations will be administered by a registered psychologist. PASS or FAIL.
- Medical Examination: Following an offer of employment, an applicant will submit to a post-offer medical examination supervised by a licensed physician appointed by the Board of Fire Commissioners. A drug screen test will be required as part of the medical examination.
- Applicants are not guaranteed employment with the Fire District; employment is conditional based on passing the post-offer medical examination and drug screen. PASS or FAIL.
- Regulations governing testing and eligibility are set forth in the LRFPD Board of Fire Commissioners Rules and Regulations. The Board of Fire Commissioners reserve the right to schedule these exams and tests in sequence other than as stated above. The Final Eligibility Register terminates no later than two (2) years and one (1) day from the date of posting. Candidates will be selected in rank order from the list according to excellence and qualification preferences.
- Candidates receiving an offer of employment must successfully pass post-offer screenings including but not limited to a background investigation, psychological examination, and medical examination including vision and drug screen.
Completion of the FireTEAM Examination and/or National Testing Network questionnaire is not a guarantee of eligibility to continue in the testing process. Candidates may be disqualified after completion of the test or submission of application for reasons including but not limited to failure to complete testing/application submission by required deadline; not meeting minimum position qualifications; not meeting minimum passing standards for the examination; missing or incomplete documents; or other disqualifying factors related to Firefighter/Paramedic candidacy or employment.
For assistance with virtual examinations, click here for more details. For other problems or questions, contact NTN Customer Support: support@nationaltestiongnetwork.com
Lincolnshire-Riverwoods Fire Protection District is an Equal Opportunity Employer