Starting: $76,179
The Board of Fire and Police Commissioners for the City of Burbank is now accepting applications for the position of Entry Level Firefighter/Paramedic.
Testing is being conducted for several anticipated new hires and to establish a new Eligibility List for future hiring needs.
Burbank is located in Cook County, at the southwest edge of the city of Chicago. Conveniently located only 12 miles southwest of the Loop, and bordered by Oak Lawn, Bridgeview and Bedford Park makes living in Burbank a great place to raise a family or establish a business.
The goal of the Burbank Fire Department is to save lives and property and to prevent the citizens of Burbank from further danger by natural or man-made disaster and accidents.
The Fire Department is manned 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with an average shift of 9 full-time firefighters and paramedics. Shifts consist of 24 hours on duty followed by 48 hours off. Manning consists of 2 Officers, 2 Engineers, and 4-6 Firefighter/Paramedics, depending on staffing. The Department fleet consists of four Engines, one Aerial Tower, one Heavy Rescue Squad, one Technical Rescue Trailer, three Advance Life Support Ambulances (paramedic staffed), two Service Vehicles, and three Command Vehicles.
Applications will be online for purchase until 2/8/23 – 2:00 PM
The deadline for returning completed applications is:
Wednesday, February 8, 2023 by 4:00 PM
C.O.P.S. and F.I.R.E. Personnel Testing Service
ATTN: Burbank FD
200 W. Higgins Road, Suite 201
Schaumburg, IL 60195
All individuals meeting eligibility requirements are encouraged to continue with the application process.
There is a $35.00 non-refundable application fee. Applications are NOT available at the Burbank Fire Department or City Hall.
Mandatory Orientation and Written Examination:
Saturday, February 25, 2023
Registration starts at 8:00 AM
Orientation – 8:30 AM
Written Examination immediately following the Orientation
Liberty Junior High School
5900 W. 81st Street
Burbank, IL 60459
All applications are subject to the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners of the City of Burbank, which is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
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Police Jobs, Fire Jobs, Civilian Jobs