The salary range is: $100,000 to $115,000 DOQ
The agency offers a competitive benefits package and is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Tazewell County Consolidated Communications, IL. In December 2017, Tazewell County leaders formed the Tazewell County Consolidated Communications (TC3) following the direction of the State of Illinois to have consolidated communications centers. TC3 serves a residential area of approximately 700 square miles and provides E911 dispatch services for Police, Fire, and Emergency Medical Services for all communities in Tazewell County.
TC3 is seeking an experienced professional to fill the position of Director, who will manage and lead the 911 Dispatch Center and its operations. The Director will be focused on increasing operational efficiencies, elevating the high-quality of service, and identifying opportunities for potential growth. The Director will also be a leader with a proven history of developing others in their leadership roles. The Director must have a strong training background as well as providing training opportunities to all staff.
The Director’s responsibilities include leading and directing a staff of 28 full time telecommunication employees and the operations of the 911 Dispatch Center. The Director’s management responsibilities include reporting and analysis, labor relations, budget development and administration, financial accounting, long-range financial planning, training, and 911 system administration. The maintenance of the 911 Dispatch Center is critical including Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) software, hardware, and process. The Director reports to the TC3 Governance Board, composed of 11 members representing law enforcement, fire, EMS, and elected officials. The director will work closely with the Board but is expected to be a decisive leader and decision-maker who keeps the Board informed of decisions having been made.
Closing date for resumes is March 25, 2022.
Attention: Jon Fehlman, Vice President
630 Dundee Road, #225
Northbrook, IL 60062
Tel: 847-380-3240 or Cell: 615-692-9264
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Police Jobs, Fire Jobs, Civilian Jobs