Salary range for this exceptional professional opportunity: $39,175 - $64,046 ($18.83 - $30.79/hour) DOQ
Beach Park is a fully funded IMRF community with an excellent benefits package and the ICMA-RC retirement program.
The Village of Beach Park, Illinois (incorporated 1989. pop. 13,995) is seeking a Code Enforcement Officer.
Application information at end of description.
The vacant position is a full-time position but the Village will also consider a part-time schedule.
Beach Park is a residential community along Lake Michigan in northeastern Illinois, about 50 minutes from both Chicago and Milwaukee.
The position is primarily responsible for investigating complaints of municipal code violations but also conducts inspections for the rental unit registration program, real estate transfer certificates, and business registration.
The desired candidate will have an understanding of common regulations pertaining to property maintenance, zoning, and nuisance conditions, and a familiarity with the techniques and processes involved in investigating complaints to enforce local ordinances. A typical day will include investigation of complaints through field inspections and document research, coordination with other Village departments and outside agencies, as well as the data entry, correspondence, and phone calls associated with follow up for complaints. The candidate will be able to resolve conflicts by working with residents and businesses, ensuring that the code is applied fairly and consistently.
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Village of Beach Park
Attn: Community Development Director
11270 W. Wadsworth Road
Beach Park, IL 60099
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