The Board of Fire Commissioners of the Sugar Grove Fire Protection District, Kane County, Illinois seeks applicants to establish an eligibility list for full-time entry level firefighter/paramedics.
All candidates must have earned the EMT-P certification and must have earned the State of Illinois Firefighter II certification by conditional offer of employment.
Candidates must have a valid CPAT and Ladder Climb certification, dated within one year, at time of conditional offer of employment.
Sugar Grove Fire Protection District Headquarters Station
25 S. Municipal Drive
Sugar Grove, IL
weekdays between the hours of 9:00 am and 4:00 pm
A non-refundable application fee of $25.00 shall be due and payable to the Sugar Grove Fire Protection District at the time that applications are obtained, cash or check only.
All application packets and all required attachments must be returned to the same address no later than 4:00 pm on June 7, 2019.
June 19, 2019
beginning at 7:00 pm
A score of 70% or higher is required on the written examination in order to participate in the remaining testing components.
Successful applicants will undergo an oral interview to be held at a later date.
Experience: Applicants employed by the Sugar Grove Fire Protection District who have been paid-on-call or part-time certified Firefighter II/Basic Firefighter, Firefighter III/Advanced Firefighter, State of Illinois or Nationally licensed paramedic or any combination of those capacities or applicants from outside the District who were employed as full-time Firefighter III/Advanced Firefighter for at least two (2) years at another fire protection district or municipality may be awarded from zero (0) to five (5) points.
Veterans: Applicants who served in the United States military actively for at least one (1) year and who were honorably discharged or are now on inactive or reserve duty shall receive five (5) points.
Educational: Applicants who have successfully obtained an associate's degree in the field of fire service or emergency medical services, or a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university may be awarded from zero (0) to five (5) points.
Additional Preference Points: Applicants who hold an O.S.F.M. Airport Rescue Firefighter (ARFF) certification may be awarded one (1) point.
Further information about the testing process, requirements for hire and salary information will be included in the application packet materials.
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer
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Police Jobs, Fire Jobs, Civilian Jobs