Starting: $62,812; Excellent fringe benefits including pension plan and health and dental insurance
Application packets are available at:
Police Department
401 East Irving Park Road
Twenty-four hours a day
Applications will be accepted until 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, July 2, 2019.
Your complete application, all required documents and $15.00 application processing fee must be received by this time in order for you to be eligible to take the Police Officer Written Examination.
Mailed to:
Human Resources
301 East Irving Park Road
Streamwood, Illinois 60107
Returned in person on business days between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to:
Human Resources
301 East Irving Park Road
Streamwood, Illinois
Returned in person on weekends and evenings to:
Police Station
401 East Irving Park Road
Streamwood, Illinois
If applications are mailed or returned in person to the Police Department on weekends or evenings, the $15.00 application processing fee must be made by check or money order; if returned in person to Village Hall during regular business hours, cash, check or credit cards are accepted.
Streamwood Police Officers are responsible for the protection of life and property, prevention of crime, apprehension of criminals, and the enforcement of laws and ordinances. A police officer may be assigned to uniformed patrol, traffic control, crime prevention, investigative work, juvenile work, or other specialized departmental activity. Work involves an element of personal danger in the pursuit of duties. Officers must exercise independent judgment in meeting both routine and complex emergency situations and act without direct supervision. A significant portion of time involves public contact where discretion and tact is to be conscientiously exercised.
Within 12 months of hire, officers are required to reside within the area bounded by Lake Michigan on the east, Interstate 39/51 on the west, the Wisconsin border on the north, and Interstate 80 on the south.
Excellent fringe benefits including pension plan and health and dental insurance.
Two Year Eligibility List:
The Streamwood Board of Fire and Police Commissioners will be preparing a two year eligibility list for the position of Police Officer. Only those people appearing on the eligibility list can be considered for Police Officer positions for this time period.
The Written Examination will be given on Saturday, July 13, 2019. Applicants submitting complete employment applications, with all the required documents, original certified college/university transcripts and $15.00 application processing fee will be notified by mail of the time and location of the Written Examination.
Human Resources Department
301 East Irving Park Road
Streamwood, Illinois 60107
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Police Jobs, Fire Jobs, Civilian Jobs