Starting: $48,000.00 (6/1/2021)
The current labor agreement expires May 31, 2024.
The Bourbonnais Fire Protection District Board of Fire Commissioners is accepting applications for the position of firefighter/paramedic.
*Current shift staffing: 8 per shift (1 career battalion chief, 1 career lieutenant, 2 career firefighter/paramedics, 2 contract firefighter/paramedics or EMT-B, 2 part-time firefighter/paramedics or EMT-B).
*The District encourages all applicants not currently certified as a Basic Operations Firefighter –OR- certified as a Paramedic to apply.
The Bourbonnais Fire Protection District is an Equal Opportunity Employer. This organization is committed to the policy of equal employment opportunity in recruitment, hiring, career advancement, and all other personnel practices. Your job related experience and other qualifications will be considered without discrimination on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or physical or mental handicap. All information provided in this application will be treated confidentially, and will be used only to help assure the best use of your abilities if you are employed with the District.
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Police Jobs, Fire Jobs, Civilian Jobs