$52,580 - $78,042
The Village of Cherry Valley Police Department is currently accepting applications for full time police officers to fill current job vacancies.
Motivated candidates that are currently certified by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board as State of Illinois Police Officers, in good standing, are strongly preferred. The department has a lateral transfer program for candidates with current police certification and at least one year of full time police experience. Corresponding years of experience are applied to the salary schedule up to the fourth year. The fourth year base pay is currently $63,096.
There are annual salary increases, and in the fourth year it is currently $63,096. The current top salary at 15 years of service is
$78,042 for a patrol officer.
The department currently has a detective and sergeants positions.
Health, Dental and Life Insurance benefits are available.
Applicants must be willing to work various shifts, including nights, weekends and holidays.
Good verbal and written communication skills are required.
Applicants must be able to pass the following:
Applicants must have a valid driver's license in good standing.
www.cherryvalley.org under the Police tab
Ad viewed 6577 times
Police Jobs, Fire Jobs, Civilian Jobs