$45,510.40 - $53,996.80 per year, dependent on qualifications
Special emphasis is being placed on recruitment for lateral transfer opportunities with a higher starting wage and vacation benefits being offered.
Officers are represented by Wisconsin Professional Police Association
We are seeking individuals who want to a be a positive force in and serve our community with P.R.I.D.E. Females and minorities are encouraged to apply.
We use community and problem orientated policing concepts, justly enforce laws, conduct preventive patrols, respond to calls for service, investigate activities and gather evidence, as well as, complete appropriate paperwork and perform other duties as assigned. When directed, assist in the Brodhead Police 9-1-1 Public Safety Dispatch Center. Position description available upon request.
DJ-LE-330, Resume Must use the DL-LE-330 with a revision date of 05/2017 and DO NOT complete essay questions in Section 6.
Late, facsimile, electronically signed or unsigned applications will not be accepted.
Ad viewed 2691 times
Police Jobs, Fire Jobs, Civilian Jobs